Enables delivery of cleaning products outside of business hours, helping to reduce congestion
Photo right: Mr. Otsuki, store manager / Photo left: store staff
■Introducing Companies Cleaning Original Urawa East Exit Store / Segasaki Store / Harayama Store Higashiurawa store / Tokiwa store
■Usage Lockers for receiving and delivering dry cleaning
■ Effect Users: Delivery available after business hours / Elimination of waiting time Dry cleaners: Ease congestion/improve user convenience
Number of doors
external dimensionsSize (mm)
Standard specification locker
6 doors
Width 500 x Depth 600 x Height 1800
Cleaning Original has 53 years of cleaning experience in Saitama City. We interviewed the company, which introduced SPACER Locker to cope with ever-changing lifestyles and external factors, about the background to the introduction of SPACER Locker, its effects after introduction, and how it is being used.
Please tell us about the background of your decision to introduce cleaning lockers.
Competing stores had already introduced lockers, and we thought that eventually lockers would become a necessity for dry cleaners. In such a situation, we thought that our lifestyle and operation methods had changed with Corona and that we needed to offer a wide range of options, and we considered lockers as one of those options.
Did you consider several companies when introducing the system, and if so, why did you choose SPACER among them?
We considered two or three companies. The deciding factors were the compact size (one unit) and the fact that physical keys are not needed to unlock the lockers via an app.
It was also reasonably priced and not unaffordable, so we installed it with the help of a subsidy.
Please tell us any reason why you installed the system in the four stores where you currently have the system.
We plan to install these lockers in all of our stores in the future, but we have a history of introducing lockers as a response to stores where we have received a lot of feedback from staff. On Saturdays and Sundays, there are often several people in line, and we wanted to divert customers who come to pick up their shirts to return them to their lockers. This would reduce the number of customers waiting in line to pick up a shirt so they could go home, and would also eliminate the problem of store staff making mistakes due to impatience caused by the line.
So, how did you actually introduce the lockers and how did you get the word out to your customers?
Since we regularly update social networking sites such as Instagram and Facebook, we made the public aware of the situation there and provided verbal explanations.
Customers also found the lockers and asked, "What is this?" and "How does it work? "How do you use it?" We are often asked "What is this? At the Segasaki branch, the lockers are filled up the day before holidays, which is the way we had expected them to be used.
Normally, when depositing cleaning items, we may inform the receptionist of our requests, such as stain removal. How do you conduct such hearings for locker use?
Although this is a difficult task, most customers who use lockers for both drop-off and pick-up have a specific item that they bring out each week, such as shirts, pants, and so on. If they have something they want to tell the staff directly, such as stain removal, they come to the store and use the locker only for receiving their items.
Usage Image
What feedback have you received from staff and customers using the lockers?
Mr. Ohtsuki: We sometimes receive inquiries from our website asking if we have lockers, etc., as they cannot be picked up during business hours, and we are now able to provide lockers where we previously had to decline the request.
Segasaki Store Staff:
At first I was a bit confused, but the SPACER representative and customer support staff helped me get used to it if I didn't understand something.
When the system was first introduced, unlocking sometimes did not go smoothly due to the communication environment, but this was improved by providing tablets for the lockers.
In the past, on the day before a store holiday, we sometimes had to wait in line for pickup, but this has been eliminated by the use of lockers, and sometimes all the lockers are filled.
Our customers love it, and those who use it have fixed weekly visits.
Higashiurawa Store Staff:
At first, the staff was puzzled, but as they got used to it, they found it easy.
No need to wait in line and no hassle for customers. They do not have to worry about business hours or holidays, and can do their cleaning according to their own lifestyle. I thought this was a good point.